Almanac Industries


Ever wanted to learn how to make a leather wallet? Or how about printing a cyanotype? Binding your very own journal? This is your opportunity!!!! We have a big long list of possibilities that we’d love to teach. Please join our mailing list for more workshop announcements!

For our first offering we are hosting Weave In Wonder. A brand new collaboration between Whitney Cecil and Jen Will-Thapa.

Weave In Wonder - The Journal - November 1st

We invite you to join us for our first In The Studio workshop on Friday November 1st from 6-9pm.

Weave In Wonder - The Journal

Whitney will teach you the basic leather working skill of hand stitching and guide the journal making process while Jen leads you through a self exploration process rooted in Appreciative Inquiry; a solution-seeking planning process focused on what could be. You will leave with a beautiful hand stitched leather journal, some action steps towards your next great thing, and a sense of connection and wonder.  

Journal making materials, snacks and drinks included.